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Monday, February 14, 2011

Welcome To My Page!!!!!!

        Welcome To My Page!!!!!!        Thank you for taking the time out to view my page. This will be an incredible journey, as you will be able to see through the mind of someone who may not look like you, may not be where you're from, but you may see a reflection of yourself in the accounts of my life, as well as my surroundings, family and friends.
        Many times in life we get caught up in the life we live and don’t take the time to reflect on the life we once dreamed of. In my attempts of trying to outlive myself, I hope to inspire or ignite that same passion if only for a second in those that cross paths with my site. If we subtract every physical possession we have, our jobs and the other opportunities we have to gain financially, the only escape is mental peace. All that’s left to gain is energy, whether bad or good, which determines our attitude, which in turn determines our latitude. I want to climb heights so high my fears second-guess questioning me and bring those who look to me for inspiration with me for the journey.
         I was born creative, the youngest of four boys, the only thing that allowed me to be the first in the family to graduate was my ability to imagine things before they happened. I've been creating scenes before they've happened or analyzing things I've seen ever since I would watch my older brothers play little league sports. I would come home and sit on the floor with a straw I would bend in half for a waist and use this makeshift man to recreate baseball, football, or basketball games. Little has changed since then and this same vision has helped me picture reactions during presentations I had to give in my business classes as well as picturing myself staying calm as I was tackling the quarterback in front of thousands on Saturday.
         After college my vision became blurry. With a college degree in one hand and the murky vision to financially secure my family through professional sports in my eyes, I decided to pursue this opportunity that no one in any of my inner circles in my entire life had done before me. Although I haven’t been able to buy my parents that dream home, I've seen the two of them survive cancer while successfully running a church, my uncle started seven years ago.
         I find solace in counting blessings, not counting friends, or money cause the two of them would take a couple seconds and most times I need a lot of time to rebound and put the smile on that most people note me for. I find solace in hearing success stories of those who never had anything. I find solace in this creative spirit I've been given that doesn’t exactly make sense, but it's worked for me. I find solace in knowing that on my class ring in high school, nothing about athletics was mentioned, yet I purposely had an emblem that read "Success" on the side. I envisioned a purpose-filled life, and this is my journey for "Success".

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for igniting the passion inside of me through your writings . You never know who is watching. Your uniqueness should be applauded.

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