You procratinate. You leave too much room for other things to "come up", which allows more important tasks to be put aside and more excuses for you to justify it.
You're not educated. A college degree doesn't secure success, although it can be a first-class ticket to be hired sooner. Either way, not having a college degree doesnt mean doomsday. Self educate. Learn from past experiences, take notes on quotes or great advice and most importantly learn from those that are already succeeding. In order for one to win, one must be educated.
You look up to the wrong people. All throughout life we idolize certain people so that they can be role models for us, not understanding their full journey to where they are at. Study how one fails, just as much as you do on how they succeed. It will help you when you come across a roadblock.
You're too easily influenced. You sway from one idea to the next based on one's opinion about your idea. One of the most resilient parasites of the mind is an idea, and you will accumulate more gratitude out of following through with your ideas, whether wrong or right, more than taking advice from everyone than lends it.
You don't have a game plan. The only thing more important than Plan A is Plan B. And the only thing more important than Plan B is Plan C, other than that, thats all you should be focused on is executing your well thought out plan. If you're strong enough to handle rejection and you feel Plan A is great and the end-all be-all, than you should put all your attention into the first plan.
You're too afraid. Eisenhower said the only thing to fear is fear itself. Mark Twain said that the reason he always went out on a limb is because that's where the fruit is. Being afraid will keep you from evolving into that successful person you dreamed of being. It should be easier to accept failure, than to accept not trying.
You limit yourself. The world has as much confidence in you than you have for yourself. No more, no less. People would rather see you fail than to see you succeed, get over it. While people conspire against you to lose, you help them out by saying that you can't/wont do something that could potentially open doors for you simply because it's too hard or unfamiliar territory. Just think if you were a one-person army "how strong would you be".
You dont think past tomorrow. You must be aware of the worst that could happen, yet feed upon what's the best that could happen. Whatever you dwell on will end up driving you into a state of positive or negative thoughts, which in turn will be the determination of how much effort you put into your work.
You're affraid to be passionate. With great effort comes great reward, but what about those days when you're not feeling up to the challenges like you were. You must set goals when you're doing less than favorable tasks or when working somewhere you dont want to be. The sky should always be the limit, but until then you must set goals so that you remain passionate on the journey.
You're emotionally weak. Everyone with a college degree knows deep down they aren't smarter than the average of those without. They may use it to their advantage, but even they might not have the most important tool it takes to be successful. Emotional Intelligence. Doesnt matter if you have a high IQ or a 4.0 gpa, if you can't manage your emotions you will not succeed. Life is unpredictable, so at any time things you have no control over, or things you do have control over can try and consume you. Thats why you hear of stories about people that would of did this or that if it wasnt for this or that. They might be geniuses, but they were unable to harness their emotions in order to continue their journey. They relied on drugs/alcohol/relationships in order to get their emotional fix. Your ability to overcome is the ability to succeed. If you can't control yourself, then somebody or some circumstance will.