Quote of the Month

"You'll see it when you believe it" Dr. Wayne Dyer
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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Daily Motivations

John 15:18

"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first".

Monday, March 28, 2011


                Made in central Ohio, Joe McVicker created a white goo and used it to remove soot from wallpaper caused by old fashioned heating.  With the invention of  electric heating there was no longer a need for the soft clay-like goo and he was going bankrupt.  His sister, Kay Zufall, noticed kids in her nursery liked playing with it rather than modeling clay and suggested he color it and call it Play Doh.  This is just another example that "We're all just one small adjustment away from making our lives work".  From the movie "How Do You Know When".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Advice From Rabbi Nachman

            All physical medicines are bitter, and the same is true in the case of the soul. The soul is healed through bitterness. You may have to overcome many obstacles and endure much suffering in order for your soul to be healed. With physical illnesses there are times when the body becomes so weak that the invalid cannot bear the bitterness of the medicines. The doctors despair of ever curing him and simply abandon him. Similarly, when a person falls under the influence of sin -- which is the sickness of the soul -- he may be unable to bear the bitterness of the remedy. There may seem to be no hope for him at all. But God is filled with love. When He sees that a person wants to return to Him but hasn't the strength to bear the bitter remedies made necessary by his own sins, then He takes pity and casts all his sins aside to save him excessive suffering. God sends him only as much as he can bear. Many people find that as soon as they try to return to God and follow the ways of the righteous, they suddenly encounter obstacles and hardship from every direction. At times it is impossible to bear the bitterness and overcome the barriers. There have been cases where people were so discouraged that they fell back into their old ways, God forbid. But a person who truly desires to draw closer to God should have faith that whatever the bitterness or suffering he has to endure, everything is being sent to him out of love. If the suffering were really in proportion to the magnitude of his sins it would have been far greater. He would have been much too weak to bear it and he would have been totally lost. But God in His love only sends as much bitterness and suffering as a person can bear. This much he must bear, and it is certainly within his power to endure it (27:7). -Fram Azamra- Torah For Our Time

Monday, March 14, 2011

Coming This Week- Exploring The Mind of Malcolm Gladwell

         Malcolm Gladwell is a writer that deals with psychological factors.  He explores the fine lines of details, as to why things or people become successful and how social epidemics start.  He is a very interesting speaker and has helped me with my books.  In this clip he translates the maturation process of spaghetti sauce into how we should think when trying to market a product and ourselves.


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              What is it that makes the eyes open after a night of subconscious thoughts that possibly took you away from the stresses you dealt with the day before. What makes the blind walk when the thought of another step wont help his chances of enjoying the scenery that dictates the moods of those around him. What makes the deaf smile when they can never hear the music that blends the lines of culture that many cling too in order to be understood. The universal drum that beats without the essence of time vibrates through us all carrying different rhythms of motivation sending out a message of passion and enthusiasm not always translatable to everyone in proximity, but bringing those with awareness to this pursuit closer, people helping others who are closer, and those helping those who can’t relate.
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          A Roman divorced from his wife, being highly blamed by his friends, who demanded, "Was she not chaste? Was she not fair? Was she not fruitful?" holding out his shoe, asked them whether it was not new and well made. "Yet," added he, "none of you can tell where it pinches me.                                                                                                                                         -Plutarch

Classroom Thoughts

            I knew the answer many a times, yet passed up the chance to answer to keep sketchin’ on my blank piece of paper that took me miles away from any timed mile, bench press, or linear thought that was to teach me all this was supposed to add up to a sum. The blank canvas quickly turned into a collection of abstract objects which turned into a thought about a house that shadowed a beach out somewhere in a place I couldn’t pronounce, then I turned that paper into a plane I imagined would take me there. The only problem was the thought of if the paper plane could withstand the invisible opposition some call the wind and land in the trash cause it was another wasted thought and the teacher was wrappin’ up the lesson of widgets and supply and demand. I shoot, I miss, but the plane stayed together now on the ground to be swept away and disgarded. I should of paid attention, but the professor doesn’t understand that my brain has been trained to think best when my pulse is at 160 or better, in an instant, at an impulse, and when most, decline the added pressure. He doesn’t care and he shouldn’t, his class his rules, his paycheck on Friday whether or not I paid the cost of attention. Mr. Adversity teachin at the university.
