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"You'll see it when you believe it" Dr. Wayne Dyer
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Black Men Are Selfish Series

(Excerpt) Ch. 7

Great Expectations

Are you good enough to get mad?

“Not doubt, certainty is what drives one mad” -Nietzsche

                   Robert Rosenthal performed an experiment in a school one year to disclose the extent expectations have on people. He had the principal of the school call in three teachers into the office at the beginning of a school year. These teachers were told that they had been chosen as the best teachers in the entire school based on performance tests and likeability from the students. Because of this they were told that three classes were set aside for them consisting of only the brightest students in the school. They then told the teachers that they weren’t allowed to tell the students of this special accommodation in fears of discrimination suits. The teachers were told to use the same teachings, curriculum and that they expected great things to come of this......Click Here for more

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Black Men Are Selfish Series

(Excerpt) Ch. 4
“The Man”
“As a rule, men worry more about what they can't see than about what they can”. -

                    The reasons behind this can be attributed to many things, but one reason stands out in my mind and is kind of personal to me. My mother was diagnosed with Breast cancer a year ago, right around the time of Breast cancer month. My next-door neighbor had died from breast cancer two month’s prior. With this entire situation happening I had no choice but to be aware of this tragedy that is attacking women at an alarming rate. My mother was able to recover. During a long car ride with my brother and I, my father sneaks in that his doctor informed him that he might have prostate cancer. Now I was facing two parents with a deadly disease, and thinking back, I had more information about breast cancer than I did about prostate cancer. There were a couple commercials about prostate cancer, but no prostate cancer month as far as I know, nothing else about it. When I was aware of my mother having breast cancer, I knew statistics about it, there was a month devoted to raising money to help the cure, people were wearing pink at sports events, I knew so much just by watching TV........ Click Here
